Neo Baroque Architecture

neo baroque architecture

What a beautiful Neo Baroque architecture of Vileišis Estate in Vilnius (Antakalnio St.4)!

It is located close to the Church of St.Peter and St.Paul.

The main house was built in 1904-06 by the Lithuanian businessman and public figure Petras Vileišis. According to a design by engineer August Klein. It is one of the first buildings in Vilnius, for whose construction a rare material in Lithuania – concrete – was used.

Beside the main house, closer to the street, stands a residential house, in which the first exhibition of Lithuanian art took place in 1907.

In 1931 the buildings were donated to the Lithuanian Scholarly Society and the “Rytas” education society. Later the Institutes of the Lithuanian Language and Lithuanian Literature and Folklore were established there. 

(Photo by Henrikas Giedrys)

More NEO BAROQUE Architecture

neo baroque architecture

Both buildings are neo-Baroque with some features of the Modernist (Jugend) style, particularly in the interior.

Valuable collections related to the Lithuanian studies, and artworks are held there.

The Lithuanian Language Institute (P.Vileišio St.5) houses modern museum of the Lithuanian language.

It has created an original system of language cognition, and also exhibits archival documents, linguist’s personal effects, and other authentic materials.

The Neo-Baroque, also known as Baroque Revival, was an architectural style of the late 19th century. The term is used to describe architecture and architectural sculptures which display important aspects of Baroque style style, but are not of the original Baroque period.

(Photo by Henrikas Giedrys)

Details of NEO BAROQUE Architecture